thermal current

英 [ˈθɜːml ˈkʌrənt] 美 [ˈθɜːrml ˈkɜːrənt]




  1. A thermal current flows away from the contact in an identical way.
  2. On the surface, the thermal current values increase and hot springs distribute as net shape.
  3. This product has such merits as high measuring accuracy, multiple transformation ratios, multiple stages, large rated dynamic and thermal current, etc.
  4. Simulation for Thermal Current Field in Powertrain Cabin of Armored Vehicle with Electric Transmission System
  5. At present, method of thermal current meter, hotbox method, infrared thermal perturbation of the external walls in China are main methods to measure the heat transfer coefficients.
  6. Rated primary current, accuracy combination, rated output, rated dynamic and thermal current see form.
  7. A Review of Thermal Current Load Analysis for Internal Combustion Engine Parts
  8. Test Study for Improvement of Thermal Transmission Character at High Thermal Current Density and Natural Air Circulation
  9. In this lecture, emphasis is focused on the measuring principle of real temperature, and the masuring principle and method of the emissivity and total thermal current.
  10. Development of automatic temperature and thermal current detection system for physiological protection equipment of the aviator
  11. Using the method of computer simulation, the object's thermal current is simulated in Pulse heating infrared thermography non destructive resting system, the major factors influencing detesting sensitive and result are studied.
  12. On-line supervision technology of furnace water temperature difference and thermal current intensity
  13. Moreover, the three dimensional finite difference equation of some boundry conditions such as convective, and the the thermal current density was given etc are established according to the principle of energy conservation.
  14. The high value of thermal current and the high geothermal gradient indicated that the Qiongzhou strait is an active rift stucture in recent year.
  15. And the cause of the gradual increase in the metamorphic degree from the east to the west, besides being influenced by the regional metamorphism, is chiefly influenced by high temperature and high thermal current formed in Tancheng-Lujiang fracture zone to the west of the coalfield.
  16. Calculation of Thermal Current Density of Billet Surface Basing on Partial Observation on Mold
  17. The Design of Resin-casting Type Current Transformer with High Rated Short-time Thermal Current and High Rated Dynamic Current
  18. The Novel On-Line Supervision System of Water Temperature Difference and Thermal Current Intensity of Blast Furnace Cooling Stave Based on CAN Bus
  19. The All Coefficients Adaptive Control of Spacecraft Instantaneous Thermal Current
  20. The novel on-line supervision technique of water temperature difference and thermal current intensity of blast furnace cooling stave based on CAN Bus is introduced. The principle, structure and composition of system are described.
  21. Our experiments showed that it can ensure the same stability of thermal emission current by use of a new method of corroding cathode point.
  22. The short circuit current calculation shows the rated thermal stability current of former current mutual inductor is too small.
  23. Supervision of Furnace Thermal Current Intensity and Prediction of Furnace Lining Thickness
  24. The photocurrent and the thermal current increased proportionately with the increase of light intensity.
  25. The thermal current density of dynamical heat is obtained by similitude solution of the boundary layer of laminar flow.
  26. Vitrinite reflectance, also abbreviated to R o, in various depth of same sedimentary basin is a reflector of thermal current density changes experienced by the basin.
  27. Manufacturing and demarcating of the thermal couple group for thermal current measuring
  28. The apparatus introduced in this paper can be used to measure and record the realtime environmental parameters and such physical information of individual protection equipment as the temperature, thermal current and thermal insulating value.
  29. A semiconductor thermal fluctuation rectifier has been constructed, efficiency of the device and thermal current have been calculated.
  30. The technology of stream guidance and rectification were employed to control the combustion of flue gas and the flow of thermal current in order to ensure uniform temperature in the furnace.